NOAA Galapagos Rift Expedition, public domain.
Joel Kontinen
Deep sea worms are not the kind that one looks with gusto. There are called Polynoidae, and the some of the new-found creature are called Macellicephaloides moustachu, are reference to their “moustage”. The others are from the Game of Thrones and from Yedi.
The beauty of the deep-sea creatures is enormous. Regardless of what God has done, the worms regain their type. In accordance with the after its kind principle, that was shouwn by Genesis.
Weisberger, Mindy. 2018. Hodor! Deep-Sea Worms Get 'Game of Thrones' Names Live Science November).
Friday, 30 November 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Grand Canyon’s Surprise Animals.
Image courtesy of Chensiyuan, CC BY-SA 4.0.
Joel Kontinen
“About 315 million years ago — long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth — an early reptile scuttled along in a strangely sideways jaunt, leaving its tiny footprints embedded in the landscape, new research finds.” This is how Science Daily introduces the animal that lived before the dinosaurs and who left their marks in the Grand Canyon.
The trackway preserved on a slab of sandstone measuring about 1 meter and 45 cm (3.2 feet long and 18 inches wide) —"contains 28 prints from the mystery animal's front and back feet.“
Actually, the Grand Canyon has also been used by creationists.
How do know reptile used the Grand Canyon so long ago? The basic of this is radiometric dating, that has frequently turned wrong.
The Grand Canyon can be used in two ways: Little, water, long ages or a lot of water, little age.
Geggel , Laura. 2018. Oldest Known Footprints in Grand Canyon Were Left by Mysterious, Sideways-Walking Reptile. Live Science 15 November.
Joel Kontinen
“About 315 million years ago — long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth — an early reptile scuttled along in a strangely sideways jaunt, leaving its tiny footprints embedded in the landscape, new research finds.” This is how Science Daily introduces the animal that lived before the dinosaurs and who left their marks in the Grand Canyon.
The trackway preserved on a slab of sandstone measuring about 1 meter and 45 cm (3.2 feet long and 18 inches wide) —"contains 28 prints from the mystery animal's front and back feet.“
Actually, the Grand Canyon has also been used by creationists.
How do know reptile used the Grand Canyon so long ago? The basic of this is radiometric dating, that has frequently turned wrong.
The Grand Canyon can be used in two ways: Little, water, long ages or a lot of water, little age.
Geggel , Laura. 2018. Oldest Known Footprints in Grand Canyon Were Left by Mysterious, Sideways-Walking Reptile. Live Science 15 November.
Grand Canyon,
Noah’s ark,
radiometric dating,
the Flood
Monday, 26 November 2018
Tiny People Have “Evolved” in the Forest
Image courtesy of Malekhanif, Free Software Foundation.
Joel Kontinen
Tiny People Have “Evolved” in the Forest. In an evolution only view, tiny people have evolved in rainforests, as tiny steps are better there.
A Proceedings of the Royal Society B study takes a look on populations who dwell in rainforests. Many people, such as Pygmies and other hunter-gathered tribes, such as the Batek people of Peninsular Malaysia and the Tsimane people of Bolivian Amazon, tend to be small.
According to the study, small people tend to live in forest, as their steps are small. “They have evolved to be short in order to navigate the dense jungle environment more efficiently.”
“The distribution of people around the world reflects the very specific environmental pressures as well," says Dr. Vivek Venkataraman, head author of the study.
The Darwinists have succeeded in taking stock of the Pigmies: In the early 1900, Ota Benga was put in a in Bronx Zoo, to show his affinity to monkeys.
That is what disbelief in God brings about.
Tiny people have evolved in rainforests because it's where tiny steps are better. CBC Radio (16 November).
Charles Darwin,
Ota Benga
Saturday, 24 November 2018
Scientists Say the Biblical Account of Sodom is Accurate
John Martin’s painting “The Destruction of Sodom And Gomorrah,” Public Domain.
Joel Kontinen
After months of digging, Phillip Silvian (Trinity Southwest University , Albuquerque) told what had happened at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, in the Dead Sea area.
He led excavations on “five large sites on the Jordanian side of the Jordan River. According to Silvia, the 15 square-mile circular Middle Ghor was a fertile plain, populated continuously for at least 2,500 hundred years. Some form of catastrophe 3,700 years ago brought this to a sudden end, wiping out all of the estimated 40,000 to 65,000 people who inhabited the area at the time.”
The excavation shows that “the 120 small settlements in the region showed signs of extreme, collapse-inducing heat and wind.”
They said that it resembled the Tungusta affairs in 1908, in which a meteorite struck the earth.
“The destruction of Tall el-Hammam (Sodom), but also its neighbors (Gomorrah and the other cities of the plain) was most likely caused by a meteoritic airburst event,” they said.
Here’s what the Bible says:
“Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities--and also the vegetation in the land.” (Genesis 19: 24-25, NIV).
When the Bible describes historical matters, it always gets the facts, including the tiny details, right. Secular ancient writers were unable to deny the historicity of Jesus.
The Bible tells us about real people and real events, such as the earthquake mentioned by the prophet Amos and the one that occurred during Jesus’ crucifixion.
The Bible is the book of truth,.
Yes, it seems that the Dead Sea explosion corroborates what the Bible is saying.
Berkowitz, Adam Eliyahu. 2018. Scientists Admit Biblical Account of Sodom is Accurate. (Breaking Israeli News 23 November).
Joel Kontinen
After months of digging, Phillip Silvian (Trinity Southwest University , Albuquerque) told what had happened at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, in the Dead Sea area.
He led excavations on “five large sites on the Jordanian side of the Jordan River. According to Silvia, the 15 square-mile circular Middle Ghor was a fertile plain, populated continuously for at least 2,500 hundred years. Some form of catastrophe 3,700 years ago brought this to a sudden end, wiping out all of the estimated 40,000 to 65,000 people who inhabited the area at the time.”
The excavation shows that “the 120 small settlements in the region showed signs of extreme, collapse-inducing heat and wind.”
They said that it resembled the Tungusta affairs in 1908, in which a meteorite struck the earth.
“The destruction of Tall el-Hammam (Sodom), but also its neighbors (Gomorrah and the other cities of the plain) was most likely caused by a meteoritic airburst event,” they said.
Here’s what the Bible says:
“Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities--and also the vegetation in the land.” (Genesis 19: 24-25, NIV).
When the Bible describes historical matters, it always gets the facts, including the tiny details, right. Secular ancient writers were unable to deny the historicity of Jesus.
The Bible tells us about real people and real events, such as the earthquake mentioned by the prophet Amos and the one that occurred during Jesus’ crucifixion.
The Bible is the book of truth,.
Yes, it seems that the Dead Sea explosion corroborates what the Bible is saying.
Berkowitz, Adam Eliyahu. 2018. Scientists Admit Biblical Account of Sodom is Accurate. (Breaking Israeli News 23 November).
God’s Word,
the Bible
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Trappist-1 System Could Likely Host an Earth-Like Ocean World – Or Not
Image courtesy of ESO, CC BY 4.0.
Joel Kontinen
The Trappist-1, consisting of seven planets that circle a M dwarf star, family of stars that has dominated the astronomy circles. These alien worlds might be bombarded with intense solar radiation and they are probably tidally locked like Mercury in our solar system, with the same side always facing its sun.
Recently, the astronomers who "updated climate models for the exoplanets” have come with an explanation.
At first, since the planets were hailed as uninhabited, Then, water was obviously found in some of them. However, this cannot create life.
Now, we are getting more news of Trappist e: the planet that can hold water on a large scale. However, water and a source of heat can’t create life.
In contrast, our world is special. God created Earth and filled it with life, just like Genesis tells us.
TRAPPIST-1 system likely hosts Earth-like ocean world. Financial Express (22.11.).
Joel Kontinen
The Trappist-1, consisting of seven planets that circle a M dwarf star, family of stars that has dominated the astronomy circles. These alien worlds might be bombarded with intense solar radiation and they are probably tidally locked like Mercury in our solar system, with the same side always facing its sun.
Recently, the astronomers who "updated climate models for the exoplanets” have come with an explanation.
At first, since the planets were hailed as uninhabited, Then, water was obviously found in some of them. However, this cannot create life.
Now, we are getting more news of Trappist e: the planet that can hold water on a large scale. However, water and a source of heat can’t create life.
In contrast, our world is special. God created Earth and filled it with life, just like Genesis tells us.
TRAPPIST-1 system likely hosts Earth-like ocean world. Financial Express (22.11.).
habitable zone,
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Using the Bible on Science, to Perfect Translation Algorithms:
Luther’s Bible (1534). Image courtesy of Torsten Schleese.
Joel Kontinen
Royal Society Open Science has an article on the Bible. It’s not the way science portals often present the Good Book. It’s an introduction for perfect translation algorithms.
The scientist understood that the Bible has been translated into many languages. “The result is an algorithm trained on various versions of the sacred texts that can convert written works into different styles for different audiences.”
They did not begin white Shakespeare or Wikipedia, any other text. Their choice was the Bible:
“Beyond providing infinite inspiration, each version of the Bible contains more than 31,000 verses that the researchers used to produce over 1.5 million unique pairings of source and target verses for machine-learning training sets.”
They wanted to learn, what difference a text portion would make, if translated to another language.
Dartmouth College. 2018. The good book: Bible helps researchers perfect translation algorithms: Study results in AI style transfer data set of unmatched quality. Science Daily (24 October).
Joel Kontinen
Royal Society Open Science has an article on the Bible. It’s not the way science portals often present the Good Book. It’s an introduction for perfect translation algorithms.
The scientist understood that the Bible has been translated into many languages. “The result is an algorithm trained on various versions of the sacred texts that can convert written works into different styles for different audiences.”
They did not begin white Shakespeare or Wikipedia, any other text. Their choice was the Bible:
“Beyond providing infinite inspiration, each version of the Bible contains more than 31,000 verses that the researchers used to produce over 1.5 million unique pairings of source and target verses for machine-learning training sets.”
They wanted to learn, what difference a text portion would make, if translated to another language.
Dartmouth College. 2018. The good book: Bible helps researchers perfect translation algorithms: Study results in AI style transfer data set of unmatched quality. Science Daily (24 October).
text translation,
the Bible
Sunday, 18 November 2018
How Do Squirrels Remember Where They Buried their Nuts?
Squirrels love nuts.
Joel Kontinen
Squirrels mostly gather nuts this time of year.
“Most squirrel species are scatter-hoarders — hence the characteristic dashing they do between different piles of buried food. ‘This style of food storing probably evolved because it reduces the risk of suffering a major loss,’ said Mikel Maria Delgado, a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis, who has studied squirrel behavior for several years.”
“Depending on the squirrel species and the type of nut, squirrels are generally able to retrieve up to 95 percent of their buried food, research shows. So there's clearly more than chance behind this process.”
The seeds of Pinus cembra contain plenty of amino acids, Plenty of A vitamin, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin plus omega-6- and omega-3-fats.
Bryce, Emma, 2018. How Do Squirrels Remember Where They Buried Their Nuts? Live Science (17 November).
animal behaviour,
Friday, 16 November 2018
Rare Bird Found in America,Throws Light on Dino-Era Birds.
An earlier example of an enantiornithine. Image courtesy of Durbed, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Joel Kontinen
A 75-million-year-old fossil, from a bird about the size of a turkey vulture, is the most complete skeleton. Discovered in North America of what are called enantiornithines, it lived with dinoes.
“It is quite likely that, if you saw one in real life and just glanced at it, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish it from a modern bird,” Study participant Jessie Atterholt said.
She went on to say: “That by the late Cretaceous, enantiornithines had evolved advanced adaptations for flying independent of today’s birds. In fact, they looked quite similar to modern birds: they were fully feathered and flew by flapping their wings like modern birds. The fossilized bird probably had teeth in the front of its beak and claws on its wings as well as feet. Some enantiornithines had prominent tail feathers that may have differed between male and female and been used for sexual display.”
“These rough patches are quill knobs, and in modern birds they anchor the wing feathers to the skeleton to help strengthen them for active flight. This is the first discovery of quill knobs in any enantiornithine bird, which tells us that it was a very strong flier.”
How could these birds become extinct, DINO-Era birds showed just the opposite? They’ve drove with the dinoes, but then they vanished away.
Sanders, Robert 2018. Rare Fossil Bird Deepens Mystery of Avian Extinctions. (13 November)
Joel Kontinen
A 75-million-year-old fossil, from a bird about the size of a turkey vulture, is the most complete skeleton. Discovered in North America of what are called enantiornithines, it lived with dinoes.
“It is quite likely that, if you saw one in real life and just glanced at it, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish it from a modern bird,” Study participant Jessie Atterholt said.
She went on to say: “That by the late Cretaceous, enantiornithines had evolved advanced adaptations for flying independent of today’s birds. In fact, they looked quite similar to modern birds: they were fully feathered and flew by flapping their wings like modern birds. The fossilized bird probably had teeth in the front of its beak and claws on its wings as well as feet. Some enantiornithines had prominent tail feathers that may have differed between male and female and been used for sexual display.”
“These rough patches are quill knobs, and in modern birds they anchor the wing feathers to the skeleton to help strengthen them for active flight. This is the first discovery of quill knobs in any enantiornithine bird, which tells us that it was a very strong flier.”
How could these birds become extinct, DINO-Era birds showed just the opposite? They’ve drove with the dinoes, but then they vanished away.
Sanders, Robert 2018. Rare Fossil Bird Deepens Mystery of Avian Extinctions. (13 November)
Dino-era birds,
millions of years
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Holocaust I: German Armies Performed the First Holocaust in Africa
Austrian anthropologist Felix von Luschan made a call for people to send skulls to Germany.
Joel Kontinen
Charles Darwin has cast a shadow on African heritage and its people. Just remember, what he did to the Herero and other people in Namibia. In effect, Darwin instigated the first holocaust in Africa.
They did this also in what is presently called Tanzania.
The Austrian anthropologist Felix von Luschan made a call for people to send skulls to Germany. The von Luschan collection, originally contained 6,300 skulls.
Mangi Meli, a chief from the north of what is now Tanzania, was executed in 1900 for his role in a rebellion against German colonial rule. A relative has searched for his skull, but hasn’t found him.
After he died, Mangi Meli body was decapitated and his head was taken to Germany.
The Sunday Express told says that many skulls were sent to Germany “to prove the similarity between the Nama and anthropoid apes”. This was not a distortion but an application of Charles Darwin’s writings in The Descent of Man.
The search in Germany for the lost skull of Tanzania's Mangi Meli BBC News (14 November).
Joel Kontinen
Charles Darwin has cast a shadow on African heritage and its people. Just remember, what he did to the Herero and other people in Namibia. In effect, Darwin instigated the first holocaust in Africa.
They did this also in what is presently called Tanzania.
The Austrian anthropologist Felix von Luschan made a call for people to send skulls to Germany. The von Luschan collection, originally contained 6,300 skulls.
Mangi Meli, a chief from the north of what is now Tanzania, was executed in 1900 for his role in a rebellion against German colonial rule. A relative has searched for his skull, but hasn’t found him.
After he died, Mangi Meli body was decapitated and his head was taken to Germany.
The Sunday Express told says that many skulls were sent to Germany “to prove the similarity between the Nama and anthropoid apes”. This was not a distortion but an application of Charles Darwin’s writings in The Descent of Man.
The search in Germany for the lost skull of Tanzania's Mangi Meli BBC News (14 November).
Charles Darwin,
German holocaust I,
Monday, 12 November 2018
Dino Soft Tissue Is Toast, Scientist Proclaim
Image courtesy of AAAS.
Joel Kontinen
Did you know that burnt toast and dinosaurs bones have a common trait?
"We took on the challenge of understanding protein fossilization," said Yale paleontologist Jasmina Wiemann, the study's lead author. "We tested 35 samples of fossil bones, eggshells, and teeth to learn whether they preserve proteinaceous soft tissues, find out their chemical composition, and determine under what conditions they were able to survive for millions of years."
Now, dinosaur bone could not last that long. They are believed to have degraded in 4 million years:
“Fossil soft tissue in dinosaur bones has been a controversial topic among researchers for quite some time. Hard tissues, such as bones, eggs, teeth, and enamel scales, are able to survive fossilization extremely well. Soft tissues, such as blood vessels, cells, and nerves -- which are stored inside the hard tissue -- are more delicate and thought to decay rapidly after death. These soft tissues are composed mainly of proteins, which are believed to completely degrade within about four million years.
Yet dinosaur bones are much older, roughly 100 million years old, and they occasionally preserve organic structures similar to cells and blood vessels. Various attempts to resolve this paradox have failed to provide a conclusive answer.”
Now they can – with the toast comparison.
In 1997 Dr. Mary Schweitzer, a paleontologist at North Carolina State University, found remnants of red blood cells in a in a T. rex bone. She did not believe in the beginning that the soft tissue was as old as the dinos were: “It’s 65 years old… can’t be that old.”
After that, she found collagen, haemoglobin, elastin and laminin in dinosaur fossils.
At the time, evolutionists were reluctant to believe that the discovery was genuine but later Schweitzer and her research team found remnants of haemoglobin and collagen in a Tyrannosaur estimated to be 68 million years old.
In early 2009, Dr. Schweitzer and her colleagues found collagen, haemoglobin, elastin and laminin in a hadrosaur assumed to be 80 million years old.
The Hadrosaur bone throws a cloud on the belief in millions of years.
Now, they are to have found it in the Cambrian animals, as well. The trick to solve the problem with toast is just to saveguard the belief in millions of years.
Yale University. 2018. A toast to the proteins in dinosaur bones. Science Daily (9 November).
Joel Kontinen
Did you know that burnt toast and dinosaurs bones have a common trait?
"We took on the challenge of understanding protein fossilization," said Yale paleontologist Jasmina Wiemann, the study's lead author. "We tested 35 samples of fossil bones, eggshells, and teeth to learn whether they preserve proteinaceous soft tissues, find out their chemical composition, and determine under what conditions they were able to survive for millions of years."
Now, dinosaur bone could not last that long. They are believed to have degraded in 4 million years:
“Fossil soft tissue in dinosaur bones has been a controversial topic among researchers for quite some time. Hard tissues, such as bones, eggs, teeth, and enamel scales, are able to survive fossilization extremely well. Soft tissues, such as blood vessels, cells, and nerves -- which are stored inside the hard tissue -- are more delicate and thought to decay rapidly after death. These soft tissues are composed mainly of proteins, which are believed to completely degrade within about four million years.
Yet dinosaur bones are much older, roughly 100 million years old, and they occasionally preserve organic structures similar to cells and blood vessels. Various attempts to resolve this paradox have failed to provide a conclusive answer.”
Now they can – with the toast comparison.
In 1997 Dr. Mary Schweitzer, a paleontologist at North Carolina State University, found remnants of red blood cells in a in a T. rex bone. She did not believe in the beginning that the soft tissue was as old as the dinos were: “It’s 65 years old… can’t be that old.”
After that, she found collagen, haemoglobin, elastin and laminin in dinosaur fossils.
At the time, evolutionists were reluctant to believe that the discovery was genuine but later Schweitzer and her research team found remnants of haemoglobin and collagen in a Tyrannosaur estimated to be 68 million years old.
In early 2009, Dr. Schweitzer and her colleagues found collagen, haemoglobin, elastin and laminin in a hadrosaur assumed to be 80 million years old.
The Hadrosaur bone throws a cloud on the belief in millions of years.
Now, they are to have found it in the Cambrian animals, as well. The trick to solve the problem with toast is just to saveguard the belief in millions of years.
Yale University. 2018. A toast to the proteins in dinosaur bones. Science Daily (9 November).
dino soft tissue,
Mary Schweitzer,
millions of years
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Why Did Our Forefathers Start Painting Similar Structures at The Same Time?
The drawing looks a bit like this. Lhfage, CC0.
Joel Kontinen
Nature has published a study on ancient drawings in Indonesia. This discovery, a 40,000- years old rendering of arts and hands, "indicates that figurative cave art … didn't begin in Europe as many scientists thought, but rather in Southeast Asia during the last ice age, the researchers said.”
This is an enigma for evolutionary scientists. How could drawings resemble so much those found in Europe and elsewhere?
This happens on three occasions:
Evolution happens in places in which it was not supposed to happen. In this instance, man gained the art to describe animals some “52,000 and 40,000 years ago, includes hand stencils and reddish-orange ochre-drawn animals.”
Then, 20,00 years go past and the artists “favored a dark mulberry-purple color and painted hand stencils, abstract signs and human-like figures wearing elaborate headdresses and engaging in various activities, such as hunting or ritualistic dancing, the researchers said.”
Next, “humanlike figures, boats and geometric designs that were mostly drawn with black pigments, the researchers said” were made 4,000 years ago.
However, the artists were still living in caves 20,000 years ago. Actually, scientist have overestimated the time man was thought to have developed.
We might contrast this to what the Bible has to say about humans, At the beginning, they built cities and in the sixth generation a man rose, who “was the father of all who play stringed instruments,” and his brother “forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron.” ( Genesis i4:21–22, New International Version).
Geggel, Laura. 2018. World's Oldest Animal Drawing, Discovered in Borneo Cave, Is a Weird. Cow Beast. Live Science (7 November)
Joel Kontinen
Nature has published a study on ancient drawings in Indonesia. This discovery, a 40,000- years old rendering of arts and hands, "indicates that figurative cave art … didn't begin in Europe as many scientists thought, but rather in Southeast Asia during the last ice age, the researchers said.”
This is an enigma for evolutionary scientists. How could drawings resemble so much those found in Europe and elsewhere?
This happens on three occasions:
Evolution happens in places in which it was not supposed to happen. In this instance, man gained the art to describe animals some “52,000 and 40,000 years ago, includes hand stencils and reddish-orange ochre-drawn animals.”
Then, 20,00 years go past and the artists “favored a dark mulberry-purple color and painted hand stencils, abstract signs and human-like figures wearing elaborate headdresses and engaging in various activities, such as hunting or ritualistic dancing, the researchers said.”
Next, “humanlike figures, boats and geometric designs that were mostly drawn with black pigments, the researchers said” were made 4,000 years ago.
However, the artists were still living in caves 20,000 years ago. Actually, scientist have overestimated the time man was thought to have developed.
We might contrast this to what the Bible has to say about humans, At the beginning, they built cities and in the sixth generation a man rose, who “was the father of all who play stringed instruments,” and his brother “forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron.” ( Genesis i4:21–22, New International Version).
Geggel, Laura. 2018. World's Oldest Animal Drawing, Discovered in Borneo Cave, Is a Weird. Cow Beast. Live Science (7 November)
Ancient man,
oldest art
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Bacteria Still Uses Same Password for Making Spores

Joel Kontinen
Evolution is still not happening.
“When it comes to changing their passwords, bacteria are just as bad as you and me — maybe even worse. A Carnegie Mellon University research team has found that despite 2.7 billion years of evolution, bacteria are still using the same “password” to initiate the process for making spores. Their findings were published in the September issue of PLOS Genetics.”
Astrobiology Magazine had this to say on the issue:
“The Carnegie Mellon researchers, led by the Department of Biological Sciences’ Dannie Durand, used computational and experimental techniques to study how the signaling network that causes Bacilli and Clostridia to form spores has evolved since the two bacteria diverged from a common ancestor 2.7 billion years ago.”
Bacteria are very lazy to not to have evolved over more than 2 billion years. Here a list on what animals have desisted Darwin for so long.
Bacteria’s password for sporulation hasn’t changed in 2.7 billion years hasn’t changed to way they make spores. 27 September 2018. Astrobiology Magazine.
living fossils,
millions of years
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Charles Darwin “Was Not a Scientist”
Image courtesy of Leonard Darwin - Woodall 1884, public domain.
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin has been championed as a trail blazer, freeing the world of God’s Word. At times, some people have crossed swords with him.
The latest is Josh Greenberger’s attempt to disrobe him. He shows that Darwin was not a scientist. He shows that Darwin was neither anything that would make him an authority of live.
Darwin only succeeded in Theology: “At the age of 22, Charles Darwin received a degree in theology, of all things.”
- “Basically, his theory was based on pure imagination.”
- The fossil record, though, shows life forms appearing fully formed – a “serious” difficulty in Darwin’s eyes.
Then he brings up Gregory Mendel, who studies peas, “based his theories on extensive research and experimentation, which began in 1856.” Mendel showed that “nearly 30,000 pea plants followed over eight generations.” They did not grow into different species.
He then brings up evolutionary biologist Richard Lenski, who “cultivated 12 populations of bacteria that originated from one single Escherichia coli (E. Coli) bacterium. After more than 44,000 generations, Lenski noticed a similar pattern in all 12 populations; This experiment speaks volumes of speciation’s non-randomness.”
We might add an idea that is currently making its rounds in the scientific literature: bacteria’s password for sporulation (i.e. the idea of making spores) hasn’t changed in 2.7 billion years. It hasn’t changed hasn’t changed to way they make spores.
Greenberger proposes that Darwin made news by favouring a worldview that knows nothing of God.
Josh Greenberger. 2018. Charles Darwin Was Not a Scientist. Jewish Press (1 November).
Charles Darwin,
Gregory Mendel,
Origin of Species,
Richard Lenski
Sunday, 4 November 2018
A Blue Dragon Fish Doesn’t Look Like a Fish
Image courtesy of Sylke Rohrlach, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Joel Kontinen
The deep sea is full of wonders. (See examples here and here.)
It looks like an eel,(which is a living fossil), but it isn’t. The blue dragon fish is small, weighing circa 2–50 cm (0.8 –20 inches).
They don’t like the surf; they usually are found at a dept of 1,500 metres in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. they visualise their prey with the help of glowing barbels.
A Barbel ”is a slender, whiskerlike sensory organ near the mouth.” It known to migrate vertically whilst capturing its prey.
Everything the Lord made beautiful.
Dragon Fish Facts no date Dragon Fish Diet & Habitat.
Joel Kontinen
The deep sea is full of wonders. (See examples here and here.)
It looks like an eel,(which is a living fossil), but it isn’t. The blue dragon fish is small, weighing circa 2–50 cm (0.8 –20 inches).
They don’t like the surf; they usually are found at a dept of 1,500 metres in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. they visualise their prey with the help of glowing barbels.
A Barbel ”is a slender, whiskerlike sensory organ near the mouth.” It known to migrate vertically whilst capturing its prey.
Everything the Lord made beautiful.
Dragon Fish Facts no date Dragon Fish Diet & Habitat.
Charles Darwins,
Friday, 2 November 2018
'Oumuamua could be an Extraterrestrial Solar Sail
Kuva: ESO/M Kornmesser, nagualdesign, CC BY-SA 4.0.
Joel Kontinen
'Oumuamua could be an interstellar spacecrafts, some scientists are saying. Now, another team of them of is saying that it could be an extraterrestrial solar sail.
The study, done by Shmuel Bialy and Prof. Abraham Loeb, throws caution to the winds:
"Loeb told Universe Today, 'Oumuamua could be an active piece of alien technology that came to explore our solar system, the same way we hope to explore Alpha Centauri using Starshot and similar technologies’ ".
All indications of space life have been failures. This one could always be phantasy, not fact.
Williams, Matt. 2018. Could 'Oumuamua be an extraterrestrial solar sail? (1 November)
extraterrestrial life,
origin of live,
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Former Atheist Hopkins Has Said Goodbye to Atheism
Image courtesy of gdcgraphics, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Joel Kontinen
"Being an atheist must be like living in a closed cell with no windows." This is what Sir Anthony Hopkins says today.
He used to be well-known atheist and alcoholic for a long time. However, "in 1975 he went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where a lady asked him: “Why don’t you just trust in God?”
That question intrigued him so much that he started a personal soul search and he began a soul-search. “He was saying that from the point, his insatiable desire for alcohol vanished. He has been on a spiritual quest since while acting and winning Academy Awards throughout his career.” In 2011, he said that he couldn’t be an atheist any longer.
“But I couldn’t live with that certainty, and I wonder about some of them: why are they protesting so much? How are they so sure of what is out there? ”
Laskey, Jared, 2018. Sir Anthony Hopkins Reveals his Journey from Atheist to Believer in God. GOD TV (7 August).
Joel Kontinen
"Being an atheist must be like living in a closed cell with no windows." This is what Sir Anthony Hopkins says today.
He used to be well-known atheist and alcoholic for a long time. However, "in 1975 he went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where a lady asked him: “Why don’t you just trust in God?”
That question intrigued him so much that he started a personal soul search and he began a soul-search. “He was saying that from the point, his insatiable desire for alcohol vanished. He has been on a spiritual quest since while acting and winning Academy Awards throughout his career.” In 2011, he said that he couldn’t be an atheist any longer.
“But I couldn’t live with that certainty, and I wonder about some of them: why are they protesting so much? How are they so sure of what is out there? ”
Laskey, Jared, 2018. Sir Anthony Hopkins Reveals his Journey from Atheist to Believer in God. GOD TV (7 August).
Richard Dawkins,
Sir Anthony Hopkins
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