Tuesday 7 December 2021

Found: Ankylosaur's tail looked like an Aztec war club



Image courtesy of Gabriel Diaz Yantén

Joel Kontinen


Researchers in Chile have found a dinosaur that looks like an ankylosaur that had a armoured tail that no other dinosaur had.

According to evolution, They were found at a time breaking apart of the supercontinent Pangea during the Jurassic Period (201.3 million to 145 million years ago) led to extreme differences between ankylosaurs on the northern supercontinent Laurasia and those on the southern supercontinent Gondwana, like this newfound species, named Stegouros elengassen. ankylosaur.

The researchers found this dinosaur, that was supposed to be 71.7 million and 74.9 million years ago in February 2018.  Its well preserved head skeleton was about 80% complete, and it's weird, because it's articulated [the bones are in order] from the waist down, and everything from the waist up was kind of scattered," says Alexander Vargas, a vertebrate paleontologist in the Department of Biology at the University of Chile. 


Geggel, Laura, 2021. 'Very weird' ankylosaur's tail looked like an Aztec war club Live Science. 1 December