Tuesday 29 January 2019

Mutations Reveal How Dinos Remain Dinos

A view of Anchiornis by Nobu Tamura, CC BY 3.0.

Joel Kontinen

A new discovery is creating expectations in the Darwinian community, They have known that dinosaurs took to the air during the Jurassic period, when flight weathers appeared.

However, “But no one knows exactly when—and how—these feathered dinos took flight.”

A new study by Pan Yanhong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and Mary Schweitzer of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, looked at the feathers of five species that lived between 160 million and 75 million years ago.

Of these, the Anchiornis is ten years older than Archaeopteryx, which means that these dinosaurs or birds are suggest that “the transition of feathers to flight required both the mutations that eliminated most α-keratins and the truncated flexible β-keratins.”

Today, bird use β-keratins, which control their flight. It might happen that some dinos could have been feathered, That, however, does not mean that they changed into birds.


Service, Robert F . 2019. Fossil feathers reveal how dinosaurs took flight. Science (28 January).