Wednesday 29 September 2021

A space rock Brightens up North Carolina


Image courtesy of  Vadim Sadovski, Shutterstock, 

Joel Kontinen

A spectacular fireball blazing at 32,000 mph or 51,500 km/h a spectacular fireball blazing across the skies above North Carolina on Friday evening (Sept. 24), the American Meteor Society (AMS) reported.

Fireballs was seen in England recently and in Norway,

A fireball could also have detonated over the ancient Middle Eastern city of Tall el-Hamman or Sodom around 3,600 years ago. It's possible that the explosion, which was roughly 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb, set the city instantly ablaze before levelling it with a powerful shockwave, killing all of its inhabitants

That why the biblical Testament is always correct, 


Turner, Ben, 2021.  32,000 mph fireball spotted soaring over North Carolina Live Science 27 September.