Friday 3 September 2021

Tardigrates walk like insects 500,000 times their size


Image courtesy of  Jasmine Nirody. 

Joel Kontinen

Tardigradess are living fossils that were one of the animals that evolutionists believe were in the cambrian  strata “530 million years” ago, which means that evolutionists see them as one of the oldest kinds of living fossils.

They don’t have legs., so scientist did not know how they used their limbs.  Now they have found out.

Tardigrades in the species hypsibius exemplaris revealed that their movements closely resembled locomotion in insects about 500,000 times their size, despite being separated by around 20 million years of evolution and belonging to a different phylum.”

That is, according to darwinists, but tardigradess use an intellectual design feature.


Weisberger, Mindy. 2021.  Why tiny tardigrades walk like insects 500,000 times their size Live Science 1 September.