Saturday 25 September 2021

Covid; Immune therapy from llamas shows promise

 Image courtesy of Andrija12345678 CC BY-SA 4.0

Joel Kontinen


Professor James Naismith described nanobodies as "fantastically exciting".


It has been tested in lab animals such as rodents who recovered in six days when they were given a as a simple nasal spray - to treat and even prevent early infection.


Once the therapy has been tested in humans, scientists say, it could be given as a simple nasal spray - to treat and even prevent early infection.


"The immune system is so marvellous that it still does better than we can - evolution is hard to beat." 

But giving credit to evolution is not the way, God chose our immune system to walk the way it did.

Professor Naismith and his collaborators,  published their research in the journal Nature Communications,  


Gill, Victoria. 2021.  Covid: Immune therapy from llamas shows promise BBC News 22 September.