Thursday 23 September 2021

A space rock that passes by the Earth is three times the size of the Statue of Liberty


Kuva; Shutterstock.  

Joel Kontinen

An  asteroid, named 2021 NY1,  will zoom past the Earth soon.  

It will pass us by 1,560,000 kilomettres or 970,000 miles away from Earth. so it will not be the closest asteroid that passes us.That honour goes togoes to the asteroid 2020 QG, which zipped just 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometres or 1,830 miles miles  above the Indian Ocean on Aug. 16, 2020.

And more space rocks might even be a sign of the calamities of the Revelation in the Bible.


Specktor, Brandon. 2021 Asteroid three times the size of the Statue of Liberty will zoom past Earth on fall equinox Life Science. 22 September.