Monday 25 November 2019

Why The Triassic Dragons Had Such Great Heads

Image courtesy of Dmitry Bogdanov, CC BY 3.0.

Joel Kontinen

These reptiles had enormous heeds. It seemed that they were made of the head and something else. – that is, if the fossils correctly spells out what the specimens looked like.

They looked like the Komodo dragon with their oversized head. they are known as erythrosuchids, and evolutionists believe that they got their head by becoming erythrosuchids, that is, by becoming eaters, a way a new study suggests.

Evolutionist believe that “Burly, big-headed erythrosuchids lived between 250 million and 238 million years ago, during the early part of the Triassic period (251 million to 199 million years ago)."

This probably refers to the time that they become carnivorous, after the Fall in Genesis 3.


Weisberger, Mindy. 2019,.Weird Triassic 'Dragons' Had Massive Heads. Here's Why.Live Science (22 November).