Sunday 17 October 2021

Little green men are not sending radio waves


Image courtesy of Sebastian Zentilomo.


Joel Kontinen

The radio waves that have come here where not send by little green men. Scientist are not sure what is emitting them.  

”The source of this radiation has been nicknamed “Andy’s object” after Ziteng Wang at the University of Sydney in Australia, who goes by the name Andy and first discovered the radio waves. He and his colleagues spotted the emissions six times in 2020 using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder radio telescope. They made further observations with the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa.

We have never heard such sounds before. But even secular scientists say that little green men did not send them.  



Crane, Leah, 2021.  Something strange is sending radio waves from the centre of the galaxy. New Scientist.  12 October.