Monday, 13 May 2019

Fast Radio Bursts: Where Do They Come From?

Image courtesy of CSIRO, CC BY 3.0.

Joel Kontinen

We have observed the skies for so long, but now at least some astronomers have come up with a system by recording events.

The previous suggestion were all too wind:

Suggestions ranged from colliding neutron stars to black holes turning themselves inside out to lasers from alien spacecraft. Until a few months ago, we had more ideas than detections.”

Astronomers aren't sure what could be giving off these signals, said another newsletter, from an Australian source.

Now, however, the astronomers are off on an adventure, to discover what these fast radio bursts entail.

All attempts to listen to alien sounds have turned out to be false. For instance, an interstellar cloud destroys belief in aliens and all subsequent attempts have been futile.

New Scientist has said that aliens are more likely than God.

But only if we a priori rule out the God who in the beginning created everything.

Life cannot create itself.


Cossins, Daniel, 2019, Fast radio bursts: We're finally decoding messages from deep space . New Scientist (8 May).