Saturday, 23 October 2021

Evolutionists claim that pterosaurs evolved their skills to fly

Image courtesy of Alex Boersma.

Joel Kontinen 

Michael Pittman and colleagues state that pterosaurs evolved pterosaur a muscular wing–body junction providing multifaceted flight performance benefits. They say that these animals  lived for over 160 million years but we cannot be sure how they were such sturdy fliers  

This shows how scientist through about the word evolution. However, they also said that soft tissues guide the animals in their flight.

This means that they can’t be that old, as soft tissue cannot be millions of years old.  


Pittman et al. 2021. Pterosaurs evolved a muscular wing–body junction providing multifaceted flight performance benefits: Advanced aerodynamic smoothing, sophisticated wing root control, and wing force generation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2 November.