Friday 26 July 2024

Ancient life of Mars?


Image courtesy of NASA/PL-Caltech/MSSS

Joel Kontinen

Are there signs of life on Mars?

Mars was thought to be a planet that had never  had life, in spite of the canals that were supposed to have made by Martians.

Burt we know  there were no Martians.

Here is a new study:

“NASA’s Perseverance rover has found a rock riddled with what may be signs of ancient life. The rock, nicknamed “Cheyava Falls” after a famous waterfall in Arizon a, shows hints that it could have supported living microbes billions of years ago – but for now, there is no way to be sure if life really existed there.

The rock measures about 1 metre by 0.6 metres and is mostly reddish, with thin veins of white calcium sulphate that probably formed when water flowed through fissures in the rock, depositing minerals in the cracks. Water is one of the ingredients necessary for life, but it wasn’t the only one that researchers found while poring over the Perseverance data.

They saw that between the streaks of white, there were strange light-coloured splotches, each just millimetres across and ringed with dark material containing iron and phosphate. “These spots are a big surprise,” said David Flannery at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia in a NASA press release. “On Earth, these types of features in rocks are often associated with the fossilized record of microbes living in the subsurface.” That is because the type of chemical reaction that creates these  sorts of leopard spots on Earth rocks can also provide useful energy for microbes.”

But only God has the capacity to create life.  

Leah Crane.  2024.  Mars rover found a rock with possible signs of ancient life | New Scientist  25 July