Thursday 21 December 2023

NASA finds key ingredient for life gushing out of Saturn's icy moon Encelaudus


Image courtesy of  NASA)

 Joel Kontinen

Scientists have discovered complex molecules in the gas and vapor plumes escaping from Enceladus's icy core — and some say one of them, hydrogen cyanide, is a precursor for life.

On Earth, hydrogen cyanide is toxic to most organisms. But scientists believe it played an important role in the early origin of life, potentially serving as a precursor molecule in the evolution of amino acids — the building blocks of proteins required for life.”

Encelaudus has intrigued astrobiologists since 2005, when NASA's Cassini probe detected jets of gas and icy crystals erupting from cryovolcanoes near its south pole.”

So this by no means confirms the presence of life, for evolutionists does strengthen the case for it on Enceladus. 


Joanna Thompson. 2023. NASA finds key ingredient for life gushing out of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus ( 20 December