Monday 8 July 2024

3D-printed egg shells can help bones regrow


Image courtesy of Gulden Camci-Unal et al. © 2024 American Chemical Society

Joel Kontinen

Crushed chicken egg shells have been turned into a structure that supports bone growth in the laboratory.

Egg shells could be used to help grow human bone fragments to repair broken or chipped bones.

What could egg shells do to a human body? They contain fragments that can instruct the bones to grow.

“Bones grow inside the body on a kind of scaffold called the extracellular matrix, which helps guide and feed bone-growing cells. ArtificEgg shells could be used to help grow human bone fragments to repair broken or chipped bones.

Bones grow inside the body on a kind of scaffold called the extracellular matrix, which helps guide and feed bone-growing cells. 

Artificial scaffolds can be used to grow pieces of bone outside the body, which are then surgically implanted to repair broken bones, but these don’t always work well and can lead to complications.

This is what God has given to us. It is intelligent design that can make bones grow.


Alex Wilkins2024. 3D-printed egg shells can help bones regrow | New Scientist 5 July