Sunday 28 July 2024

Hezbollah kills Druze kids in strike


Image courtecy of Twitter screenshot

Joel Kontinen

The  press is making a hit on Israel killing  children in Gaza, but  what is left unheard is the killings by Hezbollah in north Israel.

”Israel’s Druze community was reeling in shock after a Hezbollah rocket killed 11 youth and injured another 29 on a soccer field in the Druze town of Majdal Shams on Saturday.

Most of the casualties were between the ages of 10-20. As the casualties mounted, so did Druze anger.

“This is a terrible disaster that must not be ignored,” Israeli Druze politician Fateen Mulla told The Press Service of Israel.”

Here is what Honest Reporting told of the attack: ”the international media’s coverage of Hezbollah’s deadly rocket atttack on July 27 represents another low in reporting on Israel since the war began.

On Saturday afternoon, Hezbollah announced it had launched 100 rockets at an Israeli army base in the Golan Heights, near the Druze town of Majdal Shams.

But it landed in a soccer pitch, killing  at least  12 Druze children.

”The Druze trace their ancestry back to the Biblical figure Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses.

Israeli Druze serve in senior positions in public and military life, and the bond between Jewish and Druze soldiers is referred to as the “covenant of blood.”

The Druze speak Arabic but are not Muslim and are very secretive about their religious beliefs.

The Alma Institute told The Press Service of Israel that Hezbollah rocket barrages on northern Israel are expanding in range, reaching deeper into Israel to unevacuated communities.

Matan Davidian of “Fighting for the North,” which advocates for the nearly 80,000 Israelis forced to evacuate their homes in northern Israel told TPS-IL, “We heard the Prime Minister in Congress say that there is also ‘another way,’ and we say that the blood of our children is not worthless! We call for immediate military action and not to settle for a feeble response.”

Hezbollah leaders have said they will continue the attacks to prevent Israelis from returning to their homes. The attacks have killed 23 civilians and 18 soldiers.

Israeli officials have been calling for Hezbollah to be disarmed and removed from southern Lebanon in accord. Attack ‘crossed every possible red and black line.

 Israeli Druze fury at Hezbollah 28 July UN Security Council resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 Second Lebanon War.”


Pesach Benson 2024. WATCH: Thousands attend funeral of 10 Druze children killed in Hezbollah rocket attack that claimed 14 lives | World Israel News 28 July