Wednesday 10 July 2024

Eye-ball planet is habitable?


Image courtesy of Benoit Gougeon, Universite de Montreal.

Joel Kontinen

NASA scientist say that an exoplanet might have an illiquid ocean and be habitable.

“The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found that a distant world. Scientists thought it was discovered several years ago could be an "eyeball" planet with iris-like ocean surrounded by a sea of solid ice — making it a candidate for a potentially habitable world. “

The exoplanet is called LHS-1140b and it is about 50 light years from us, It is 1.73 times our planet, Scientist say that it was a mini-Neptune. but now they say that it would potentially support live.

This exoplanet is situated in the "Goldilocks zone” which make it possible for live. But live can only came with intelligence that this planet does not have.


Ben Turner, 2024. 'Eyeball' planet spied by James Webb telescope might be habitable ( 10 July