Thursday 5 May 2022

Evolutionist claim that they have the DNA building blocks


The Natural History Museum / Alamy

Joel Kontinen

Some evolutionists believe that comets brought life to Earth, The latest of these discoveries is quite new.

“All four of the key DNA building blocks have now been found in meteorites, suggesting that space rocks may have delivered the compounds to Earth, contributing to the origin of life.

That is according to the panspermia view,

“DNA has a spiral-staircase structure, in which each step consists of pairs of molecules called nucleobases. Two of these four nucleobases – adenine and guanine, which belong to a group of chemical compounds called purines – were first detected in meteorites in the 1960s.”

There are many ways of contesting this view.


Wong, Carissa. 2O22. All four of the key DNA building blocks have been found in Meteorites New Scientist 26 April.