Monday 23 May 2022

Researchers think that a 830 million year old halite tells about our past


Image courtesy of Sara Schreder-Gomes. 
Joel Kontinen

Heres WHAT Phys. org says about our past

Primary fluid inclusions in bedded halite from the 830-million-year-old Browne Formation of central Australia contain organic solids and liquids, as documented with transmitted light and UV-vis petrography. These objects are consistent in size, shape, and fluorescent response to cells of prokaryotes and algae, and aggregates of organic compounds.

The researchers say that this may also happen on Mars, “that similar biosignatures may be able to be detected in chemical sediments from Mars.”

But only if the Earth was not cfeated for life.


Geological Society of America. 2022. Ancient microorganisms found in halite may have implications for search for lifep Phys.  org  11May