Wednesday 11 May 2022

Our skin is intelligenly made

Unsplash/CC0, Public Domain.


Joel Kontinen 

Associate Professor Guy German  at Binghamton University's likes to tell his students: You think you’re a good engineer, but evolution is a better one.

There are a few mistakes with this one, evolution can not create.  Our skin tells us that us that we are intelligently made.

In their experiment, the  team created membranes from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an inert and nontoxic material used in biomedical research. They mimicked the structure of mammalian skin by covering a soft, compliant layer with a thinner, stiffer outer later.

“The “artificial skin” then underwent a series of tests to see how much stress it could take to break. Under the pressure of a sharp or blunt rod, the samples indented to form huge divots before breaking. The researchers also made an interesting discovery..”

But it did not bring Darwin the  glory


Kocher, Kris. 2022. New research provides better understanding of skin's durability Phys. org,  25 April.