Thursday 17 June 2021

Little bird was a lizard, evolutionist say


Image courtesy of Lida Xing, Fair use dialogue.

Joel Kontinen

Last year,  a tiny fossil became big news. Trapped inside ancient amber, scientists thought they'd found the skull of a minuscule, hummingbird-like dinosaur with pointy teeth, bulging eyes, and surprisingly robust bones.

It was like no ancient bird or dinosaur ever discovered before. That's because it was actually neither.

Here’s what I wrote about it then

This is the standard view of birds or animals trapped in amber found in Myanmar. This creature belonged to the group of dinosaurs that according to evolutionists gave rise to modern birds.

Without the rest of the body, the scientists can’t tell exactly how Oculudentavis is related to other birdlike dinosaurs—or whether it could fly. But they suspect it belongs to a group of relatively primitive birds, perhaps similar to Archaeopteryx and Jeholornis, species that lived between 150 million and 120 million  years ago the researchers of a new study said.

However, this is all wrong. it was not a dinosaur but a lizard, “A similar skeleton found in the same area now suggests the so-called "eye tooth bird" (Oculudentavis khaungraae) is, in reality, a lizard. Its long snout had simply been squashed over time so that it resembled more of a beak..”

"Imagine taking a lizard and pinching its nose into a triangular shape," explains Edward Stanley, director of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 


 Cassella,  Carly 2021. Once Mistaken For a Tiny Bird With Teeth, This Fossil Is Now Officially a Lizard Science Alert 15.June..