Saturday 19 June 2021

Scientist Discovered An Arc That Too Big For The Cosmos


The Giant Arc. Grey regions show areas that absorb magnesium, which reveals the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters. The blue dots show background quasars, or spotlights Image courtesy of  Alexia Lopez/UCLan, far use doctrine

Joel Kontinen


The universe is big and is cleverly designed.


Scientist have discovered “A crescent of galaxies spanning 3.3 billion light-years is among the largest known structures in the universe and challenges some of astronomers' most basic assumptions about the cosmos. 


The epic arrangement, called the Giant Arc, consists of galaxies, galactic clusters, and lots of gas and dust. It is located 9.2 billion light-years away and stretches across roughly a 15th of the observable universe. “


Mann, Adam.  2021. 'Giant arc' stretching 3.3 billion light-years across the cosmos shouldn't exist Live Science 11 June.