Sunday 9 October 2022

Lava erupting on Jupiter’s volcanic moon, Io, is over 1000°C


Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/AS​I/INAF/JIRAM/. 

Joel Kontinen

If the solar system is 4. 6 billion years old, how can the following statement be true?

A new estimate made using radio telescopes put the lava that is erupting on lava erupting on Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io is over 1000°C.

Erin Redwing at the University of California, Berkeley, and her colleagues analysed observations of Io’s atmosphere made using the Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (ALMA) – a collection of radio telescopes operated by the European Southern Observatory within Chile’s Atacama desert.”

This study “focused on sodium chloride and potassium chloride gases that are thought to be belching from Io. ”

Io’s volcanoes are active and surprisingly violent, suggesting that they could not have been spouting lava for millions of years.


Gater, Will. 2022, Lava erupting on Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io is over 1000°C.  New Scientist 6 October.