Thursday 13 October 2022

Cave carnivore evolved much faster than Darvinists thought

An artist’s impression of the cat-like Pangurban egiae. 

Joel Kontinen

 An artist’s impression of the cat-like Pangurban egiae,   According to evolution, its advanced features suggest these animals evolved rapidly. 

 The fossil of a cat-like mammal that lived between 37 and 40 million years ago has revealed that a group of sabre-toothed carnivores, the nimravids, evolved into diverse species much earlier than thought.

Evolutionists think that the animals with sabre-like teeth have arisen over and over again during the past 66 million years, but the nimravids werr amongst the more fearful


Black, Riley, 2022. Cat-like sabre-toothed carnivore evolved faster than we thought New Scientist 12 October