Monday 19 September 2022

NASA’s Perseverance rover has found organic molecules on Mars


Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS

Joel Kontinen

For evolutionists, Mars was formed just like the Earth and it should carry signs of life. Thus, it is no secret that  ”NASA’s Perseverance rover is exploring along-dry river delta on Mars, and it has seen signs that indicate that the region is full of organics – molecules containing carbon that are widely considered to be the building blocks of life.”

The sedimentary rocks that are similar to those found on Earth, they find “contain complex organic molecules called aromatics, as well as clays and sulphate minerals, which can be produced when water interacts with rocks. While none of these materials are definitely signs of life, known as biosignatures”, the evolutionists we are looking in the right place.


Crane,  Leah. 2022. The Perseverance rover is finding more and more organic matter on Mars.  New Scientist 15 September