Saturday, 17 September 2022

How did Saturn get its rings?

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute. 

Joel  Kontinen

 Evolution with its millions of years poses many problems for the universe. Some features are not as old  as the age of thesolar system.

Now, Science has found another problem which has to do with Saturn and its rings. They propose that they are about 100 million years old, they said that Wisdom et al. propose that the “Saturn system previously contained an additional moon, the orbit of which was perturbed by the orbital migration of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon… The authors used numerical simulations to show that the perturbation would have eventually destabilized the system, scattering the additional moon. If it came too close to Saturn, the moon would have been ripped apart by tidal forces, forming the rings.” 


Smith, Keith T. 2022. How did Saturn get its rings? Science 16 September.