courtesy of JAM PRESS@meirivonerocha
Joel Kontinen A lady from Brazil fell in love with toy ragdoll and married it. the ladiy’s mom created Marce loafter she complained by being single.
A few montser she found herself pregnant and Meirivone Rocha Moraes says she is the only breadwinner,
In Japan, a bloke married his laptop and in Great Britain a woman married two cats.
Some recent developments suggest that they indeed can be. After they jettisoned the Christian concept of marriage, i.e., one man and one woman, and introduced their own anything goes formula, we are increasingly hearing of even more bizarre “marriages”, such as the case of a British woman who married two cats.
Coglabn, Ellen 2022, Toy story! Brazilian woman who fell in love with a ragdoll her mother made her reveals
22 June,