Monday 13 June 2022

What brought the Milky Way into existence?

Image courtesy of  X-ray (NASA/CXC/cfa/E.O’Sullivan); Optical (Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope/Coelum

Joel Kontinen 


What do we think about the milky way? To the ancient Greeks, it was a squint squirt  breast milk, and to the Mayan farmers it was a growing maize stalk. to Abraham, it signalled God’s care in preparing the universese,for us. -

Well. how did the universe get a beginnoing. .Evolutionists think that the big bang brought life to our galaxy.  

Some evolutionists say that soon we will even be able to pinpoint the specific events that led to the formation of our sun.  


Lewton, Thomas. 2021.  Milky Way shakes: The cosmic collisions that made our galaxy New Scientist. 15  December. .