Sunday, 22 November 2020

Canada Kills Babies But Protects Unborn Chimps


Image courtesy of Muhammad Mahdi Karim, GFDL 1.2.

Joel Kontinen

“There is a healthy and an unhealthy love of animals: and the nearest definition of the difference is that the unhealthy love of animals is serious,” G.K. Chesterton wrote in his 1920 book of essays The Uses of Diversity. “I am quite prepared to love a rhinoceros, with reasonable precautions: he is, doubtless, a delightful father to the young rhinoceroses. But I will not promise not to laugh at a rhinoceros … I will not worship an animal. That is, I will not take an animal quite seriously: and I know why.”

Chesterton’s views should be taken in the Controversy of animals versus humans. 

In Canada, you can have a baby butchered in the womb on her due date without legal penalty, but to smash an eagle’s egg will bring down the full force of the law. Animal rights activists, including PETA, regularly compare chicken farms to Auschwitz (I’ve debated them on this subject myself) while insisting that abortion is just fine. And while Trudeau pours billions into funding feticide overseas, the Jane Goodall Act to protect great apes and elephants in captivity in Canada and ban the import of ivory and hunting trophies has passed second reading.

There is nothing wrong with loving animals. There is something profoundly wrong with loving them more than our own children. It is good to closely examine the conditions of creatures in captivity. It is disturbing that we do so while news of babies dying after abortions is faithfully recorded in government statistics and ignored by those tasked with protecting the weak and vulnerable. We kill babies in this country. If we fail to kill them and they make it out of the magical birth canal where human rights are mysteriously conferred, sometimes we just let them die. Hundreds of them. Probably more. But nobody cares. We need a Jane Goodall Act for pre-born children— and legislators willing to expose what is happening, and willing to defend them.


Van Maren, Jonathon, 2020. Canada to protect unborn chimps in ‘Jane Goodall Act’ while ignoring unborn humans targeted for abortion. Life Site News 19 November