Friday, 20 November 2020

Dinosaurs could swim to Africa

 Image courtesy of Daniel Eskridge/Alamy, fair use doctrine.

Joel Kontinen 

The origin of South American monkeys is a big mystery for Darwinist, Now, for the first time, the fossil remains of a duck-billed dinosaur have been found in Africa. The discovery suggests that dinosaurs sometimes swam across wide oceans, and were more capable in water than we thought.

“As best we can tell, dinosaurs swam across ocean barriers,” says Nicholas Longrich at the University of Bath in the UK.

Duck-billed dinosaurs, or hadrosaurs, were common towards the end of the dinosaur era. They were large animals that mostly ate plants. The bones in their snouts were flattened, giving them a duck-like appearance.

Abetter explanation for Dinosaur's swimming skills  is their ability to repopulate the world, after Noahs Flood.


Marshall Michael. 2020.  Three-metre-long dinosaur may have swum across a wide ocean. New Scientist  16 November