Wednesday 29 April 2020

2 Physicist Question The Big Bang

Image courtesy of Scott Wiessinger (USRA): Lead Producer Aaron E. Lepsch (ADNET): Technical Support Krystofer Kim (USRA): Lead Animator.

Joel Kontinen

The big bang has had its problems from the start.In 1980 Alan Guth invented inflation as an attempt to solve the horizon problem caused by the almost uniform temperature of the different parts of the universe.

Now it looks like a new theory will surpass the old one.

“The Big Bounce theory was once thought impossible. But two physicists have just resurrected it.”

“Scientists have a really good picture of the very early universe, something we know and love as the Big Bang theory. In this model, a long time ago the universe was far smaller, far hotter and far denser than it is today. In that early inferno 13.8 billion years ago, all the elements that make us what we are were formed in the span of about a dozen minutes

All matter was squelched so tightly that it’s hard to guess how this came to be, the big bang has all promlems with cosmic inflation and dark matter is still hiding and dark energy is also missing.

Moreover, antimatter is still the big bang’s problem.


Sutter, Paul 2020, What happened before the Big Bang? Live Science 21 April.