Friday 17 April 2020

New Story About 'Oumuamua interstellar Visitor does not involve aliens

Image courtesy of YU Jingchuan from Beijing Planetarium. Fair use dialogue.

Joel Kontinen

‘Oumuamua is not from our solar system. What is it? Where does it come from?

Last fall
, there were no easy answers to this.

Astronomers believe this rogue increased Its speed slightly as it passed the sun and acted like a comet. It comes from either the red dwarf star HIP 3757, the sun-like HD 292249, or a couple of other stars that are missing a name.

Now a Sino-American study says it was probably a part of the larger
body of planets.


Wall, Mike, 2020. new origin story of 'Oumuamua interstellar visitor does not involve aliens Space. Com. 13 April.