Wednesday 3 April 2019

Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Features Spontaneous Healing After Prayer in Jesus' Name

Jesus healed a leper. Image courtesy of Public domain.

Joel Kontinen

Miracles are for today. not only did Jesus perform miracles, but His followers have the same idea, as told in the gospel of Mark and the Acts of the Apostles.

Jesus’ closest followers were not the exception but it was the rule . Such miracles are taking place today in our midst.

Now, “a peer-reviewed medical journal published a documented case of spontaneous healing after prayer in Jesus' name. A young man who wasn't able to eat without a feeding tube for 16 years has been healed of gastroparesis.

The article, Case Report of gastroparesis healing: 16 years of a chronic syndrome resolved after proximal intercessory prayer, was published in the April edition of the Complementary Therapies in Medicine.”

This was not the first case to suggest this.

“The Complementary Therapies in Medicine article is not the first scholarly publication to document the miraculous.

The Christian Post reported in 2016 that Indiana University's Dr. Candy Gunther Brown travelled to Pemba, Mozambique, in pursuit of evidence for miraculous healings along with a team of researchers. They were there to test the effects of prayer on the deaf and blind.

Brown's team detected statistically significant improvements in hearing and vision in 24 Mozambicans after receiving healing prayer and the results were published in the September 2010 edition of the Southern Medical Journal


Showalter, Brandon. 2019. Spontaneous Healing After Prayer in Jesus' Name Featured in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Christian Post (1 April).