Sir Karl Popper (1902–1994) defined pseudoscience in a way that applies well to Darwinian evolution. Image courtesy of Flickr.
Joel Kontinen
Protecting science from criticism can easily turn it into an ideology. The problem with this kind of ideology is that it can corrupt science, which becomes a quasi-religions phenomenon known as scientism.
An article in The Spectator discusses the danger of elevating consensus science above criticism. While the writer addressed climate science, the same also applies (perhaps even more so) to evolution:
“The climate secretary has denounced sceptics and other non-believers as ‘crackpots’ — an attack conforming to a key feature of what the philosopher Karl Popper defined as pseudoscience. Genuine science invites refutation; pseudoscience tries to silence dissent.”
That is exactly what advocates of Darwinian evolution have done and are still doing.
Darwall, Rupert. 2013. Forecast failure: how the Met Office lost touch with reality. The Spectator (July 13).
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Evolution Is Pseudoscience, as Defined by Sir Karl Popper
Karl Popper,