Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Asteroid speaks of the Flood of Noah's days


image courtesy of image courtesy of Nobu Tamura CC BY 2.5-

Joel Kontinen

Some scientist say that the asteroid slammed into  earth some 66 million years ago and brought – according to evolution, the ageof the dinosaurs to a close, may have left an immaculately preserved dinosaur leg in in North Dakota

They think that the fossil is a  dinosaur leg belongs to Thescelosaurus, an herbivorous dinoisaur whose name means "wonderful lizard" in ancient Greek. 

According to evolution, it is also possible that the theselosaurus and other animals died days or years before the impact. 

But judging from a creations aspect, the dinosaur probably died in the flood of Noah days


Lanese, Nicoletta. 2022. Dinosaur leg might be from the day the asteroid struck, scientists claim Live Science 8 April.