Sunday 17 April 2022

People groups arent that different


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Joel Kontinen 

When God created the difference in people at the Tower of Babel, he merely changed their languages.

But here’s New Scientist says:

“People may subconsciously overestimate the presence of individuals from minority ethnic groups, even if they belong to those groups, which could create illusions of diversity within populations.”

It goes on to say;

“Individuals from the minority group are by definition less frequent,” says Rasha Kardosh at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. “Therefore, we are more likely to notice them and so are more likely to remember their presence, and so we end up overestimating their presence.”

Yes, we often notice the difference in peoples, But still, all were made in God’s image-


Murugesu, Jason Arunn. 2022.  People tend to believe populations are more diverse than they are New Scientist 16 April.