Monday 21 March 2022

Why do bords either fly or protect themselves from harm with their weapons?


Image courtesy of Darkone, CC-BY-SA-2.5,

Joel Kontinen

Why do bords either fly or protect themselves from harm with their weapons?.

 “Beetles do it, deer do it, even beetles do it, deer do it, even crabs in the sea do it. But birds don’tdo it.,  

Very few  birds have weapons. .

To answer that, the researchers ran a number of simulations and models, which showed that bony spurs could impose a heavy evolutionary cost. While it’s true that weapons, like plumage, dancing and the ability to sing helps attract a mate and so are an advantage in sexual selection, the spurs make flying a more energy-intensive activity.  

The question might be answered. God never wantef birds to be killers,, even in a post Fall world, they are mostly peaceful. 


  How Birds Are Helping to Reveal the Mysteries of Evolution (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 24 Februry.