Monday 28 March 2022

The cosmos has a border



Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.

 Joel Kontinen

“Black holes may not destroy all information about what they were originally made of, according to a new set of quantum calculations, which would solve a major physics paradox first described by Stephen Hawking

One of the biggest paradoxes in astrophysics may finally be solved. The question of what happens to information when it falls into a black hole has vexed physicists for decades, and now a group of researchers claims to have figured it out”.

When Stephen Hawking calculated that black holes should slowly evaporate by emitting radiation – now called Hawking radiation – he also created a problem.

In the 1984 Russell Humpreys wrote the book Starlhght and Time in which he postulation that by using white holes and that the Earth could only be 6000 years old. He has also made many  creaionist assumptiions such as the Mercury'sgravitational field.

His theory  relies on Albert Einstein's thoughts, but his idea of white holes is his own. 


Crane,Leah . 2022. Stephen Hawking's black hole paradox may finally have a solution New Science. 21 March.