Sunday 27 January 2019

Can Plants Become Humans?

Image courtesy of Ryan Hagerty, Public domain.

Joel Kontinen

In January 2008 a chimpanzee named Matthew Hiasl Pan made headlines throughout the world as activists attempted to get the Austrian High Court to grant it the status of a person. The court refused to do so, however.

In 2014, Professor Peter Singer wanted to re-define chimpanzees as people.
In a world seeped with Darwinian thinking, it is difficult for some people to see that humans are special, made in the image of God.

Animal rights activists, who tend to embrace evolutionary thinking, have for years tried to blur the differences between humans and animals.

The BBC reported in 2017, that “A court in northern Indian has given the Ganges and Yamuna rivers the status of ‘living human entities’.

While the motive behind the decision might be excellent, only humans can be “living human entities.”

Rivers will remain rivers, regardless of whether they are deemed to be sacred by adherents of a religion or not.

Pollution is a serious issue and so is pretending that inanimate things can be persons.

Now, however, “Ojibwe tribe granted wild rice the right to exist This would be the first law to recognize legal rights of plant species."


Smith, Wesley J.. 2019. A Right to Life — For Wild Rice Evolution News And Views (25, January).