Tuesday 25 September 2018

Strengthening the Design Argument

Envisat satellite. Envisat satellite. Professor Stuart Burgess took part in designing a solar array for the satellite. Image courtesy of abrev, public domain.

Joel Kontinen

In the European Creation Conference, Dominic Statham spoke om God’s impressive design. He’s design is stated in Romans 1:19-20. He’s all-powerful, incapable of doing the misstates we make.

In their book, co-written by Professor Stuart Burgess, Statham has taken up some impressions that God would use, such as the mouth of, for instance, a fish, used as a lock in something they’ve made.

They also discussed why God’ s inventions are tiny and are no more energy-jumpers than they actually are.

As a matter of fact, God’s inventions are much smaller that human ones are need a whole lot of less energy. These inventors try to find more structures in God’s creation which they can use their inventions.