Wednesday 8 July 2015
”Evolution Was Experimenting,” Evolutionist Says of the Diversity of Early Humans
Homo heidelbergensis. Image courtesy of Jose Luis Martinez Alvarez, Wikipedia.
Joel Kontinen
Evolutionary storytelling requires a considerable amount of imagination. As Darwinians tend to be sure that their view of origins is true, they often try to fit any kind of evidence into their framework.
They often have to take back what they say. In 2009 researchers reported on human hairs discovered in hyena coprolite (a technical term for dung) and they speculated they might have belonged to Homo heidelbergensis.
Then, in 2014 Science questioned the existence of H. heidelbergensis.
The past few years have not been kind to our assumed evolutionary ancestors. They have seen the downfall of Ardipithecus ramidus or Ardi, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Paranthropus boisei, a.k.a Nutcracker Man as well as Taung Child, once revered as an icon of evolution.
A more recent example features evolution’s skills at experimenting. In a Science Daily article commenting on early human discoveries in Kenya, professor Carol Ward (University of Missouri) says:
“We are finding that evolution seemed to be experimenting with different human physical traits in different species before ending up with Homo sapiens.”
Now, evolution is supposed to be blind. It cannot plan ahead, so it should not be able to do experiments, either. After all, experimentation requires intelligence.
Many evolutionists are reluctant to use the i word. It smacks of design.
What the researchers actually found was that some “species of early human ancestors had significant differences in facial features” and they “also differed throughout other parts of their skeletons and had distinct body forms.”
Human diversity has not become extinct. At the time of the Scopes trial in 1925, evolutionists assumed that there were five races of humans. That was how Hunter’s Civic Biology (1914), the textbook that John Scopes used in class, described humanity.
They might have erred about the races, but the diversity is real – even among individuals belonging to the same people group.
But there is a better explanation for it than evolution: God likes variety.
University of Missouri-Columbia. 2015. Ancient fossils reveal diversity in the body structure of human ancestors. ScienceDaily. (9 March).