Our presuppositions have an effect on our view of Lucy, for instance.
Joel Kontinen
Presuppositions have a profound effect on how we view the world around us. Popular science publications have caused many people to assume that ape men have once existed. The Bible, however, presents an entirely different view of history.
A few years ago Philip Bell, currently CEO of Creation Ministries International UK/Europe, used the following example to highlight the power of presuppositions:
If we have the information chain GODISNOWHERE, we might interpret it in two ways:
Either like this: GOD IS NOWHERE.
Or like this: GOD IS NOW HERE.
In both cases the data are the same but the latter interpretation has an extra blank space between the letters W and H.
Presuppositions can also have a profound effect on what we think about fossils. While a Darwinist, who rejects the idea of a Creator God, sees an ape man, a Bible-believing scientist sees an extinct ape, evidence for creation and the rich variety in the animal kingdom. (The word ‘kingdom’ used in a non-specific sense.)
Bell, Philip. 2006. Ape Men. Lecture at the Creation Without Compromise conference at Swanwick, UK (22 April 2006).