Saturday, 1 March 2025

When did people start building houses with corners?

 Image courtesy of Murat Özsoy 1958 CC BY-SA 4.0

Joel Kontinen 

When did people start building houses with corners?  At first, according to evolution, the building were round and did not have corners, that is what archaeologist claim.

Buildings with corners have a much deeper history than we thought, adding an unexpected twist to a curious architectural mystery from the dawn of village life.

For instance, the town of Çatalhöyük in Turkey has houses with corners, it was founded in 7 100 BC.

Archaeologists have long been aware of a global trend in early architecture. From south-west Asia to the Americas, the very earliest settlements typically contained buildings with a round or oval-shaped ground plan. Then, usually a few thousand years later, these apparently went out of fashion, becoming houses with corners.

According to the book of Genesis, people were able to  build  cities at the very beginning and they had corners.


Colin Barras 2025 When did people start building houses with corners? | New Scientist 25 February