Tuesday 12 March 2024

When did humans start wearing clothes?


Homo heidelbergensis. Image courtesy of  Benoît Clarys/University of Tübingen.

 Joel Kontinen

The answer varies. According of some evolutionists, early humans were in the trees, just like apes and learnt to walk on two feet, but they did not have fur, so that clothing became important,

As early humans evolved from ape-like ancestors, they came down from the trees, began to walk upright and lost their fur. But without fur, our ancestors would have been exposed to the elements. They would have needed clothing for protection.

Some evolutionist propose that some 1,2 millions years ago we lost our fur,  but lice was a problem, so they started to wear  clothes,

According to the real history in Genesis, men and women started to wear clothes after the fall in Genesis 3.


Ashley Hamer. 2024, When did humans start wearing clothes? | Live Science 10 March.