Sunday 2 June 2024

Wormholes could blast out blazing hot plasma at incredible speeds


Image courtesy of Rostislav Zatonskiy / Alamy

Joel Kontinen

Wormholes are a mystery in science. “They are that are surrounded by matter, like the ring that gathers around a black hole, could create strange rotating clouds of hot plasma. Anything that falls in one end could sh  oot out the other at 200 million kilometres per hour, or even faster if the wormhole is enormous.”

According to evolutionists, “a wormhole is a tunnel between two locations in space-time. The simplest versions of these hypothetical objects have black holes as “mouths” on either end of the throat connecting them – nothing. “

In science is so wonderful, even though we might not understand it, but in God’s creation everything is delightful.   


Leah Crane, 2024. Wormholes could blast out blazing hot plasma at incredible speeds | New Scientist 31 May