Saturday 18 May 2024

Some of the oldest stars in the universe found hiding near the Milky Way's edge — and they may not be alone


Image courtesy of European Southern Observatory. 

Joel Kontinen 

According to some evolutionists, ” the ancient celestial objects may have been among the first to form after the Big Bang and were likely according to evolutionists, stolen by our galaxy during gravitational tugs-of-war billions of years ago.”

“In the study, published May 14 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers reanalyzed three previously observed stars each located around 30,000 light-years from Earth! in the Milky Way's halo — a massive cloud of stars that orbit beyond our galaxy's main galactic disk.”

 Some scientists say that “The basic chemical composition of these stars suggests they are all between 12 and 13 billion years old, making them almost as old as the universe itself, which formed around 13.8 billion years old.

This dating is off by several hundred years:  Only God could make the stars.


 Harry Baker 2024. Some of the oldest stars in the universe found hiding near the Milky Way's edge — and they may not be alone | Live Science 16 May.