Tuesday 14 May 2024

A white dwarf acts as a lens for the light of the star behind it


Image courtecy of NASA/JPL-Caltech

Joel Kontinen

What do we know about the impossible star? Mystery of 'impossible' star resolved by three-body solution.

A white dwarf star orbiting a sun-like star was thought to be impossibly small, but now astronomers have found another star in the system that solves the puzzle.

The mystery of a star that seemed too small to exist has been solved – by the detection of another star hiding in the same system.

In 2019, astronomers announced the discovery of an unusual system called KIC 8145411 in which a white dwarf – the dull, compact remnant left behind after certain stars exhaust their nuclear fuel – was orbiting a sun-like star every 450 days. The system is a rare example of a self-lensing binary.



Jonathan O’Callaghan 2024 Mystery of 'impossible' star resolved by three-body solution | New Scientist 14 May 
