Monday 8 April 2024

Left-handed monkeys refutes Darwinian story of the evolution of right-handednes


Image courtesy of Minden Pictures/Alamy.

Joel Kontinen

”Primates living on the ground with a tendency for right-handedness, but findings from urban langurs in India cast doubt on the idea.”

Monkeys that adopted an urban lifestyle in India are mostly left-handed – in contrast to humans and other primates that live on the ground.

The findings clash with long-standing claims that primates that come down from the trees generally evolve a tendency to be right-handed, raising questions about what really drives this trait.”

This is based on evolution, as many people think that animals are our ancestors. But this study refutes it.


Christa Lesté-Lasserre. 2024. Left-handed monkeys prompt rethink about evolution of right-handedness | New Scientist 5 April.