Friday 19 May 2023

No little green men on super-Earth

 Image courtesy of Mark Garlick. 

Joel Kontinen

For those who want a holiday from Earth, the perfect spot would be to a trip to a super-Earth. Only that it is situated  some 72 light-years from Earth.

“Amadeo Castro-González, an astronomer at the Spanish Astrobiology Center who led a recent study describing the steamy planet, says the find could represent a new class of exoplanets, something between a rocky planet and a gas giant.” he says. Castro-González and colleagues used TESS data to estimate that the planet is 1.5 times bigger than Earth.

Researchers think the temperatures on the planet called TOI-244 b are thought to rise to more than 2000°C 


Weird alien world may be a planetary sauna Science  16 May.