Wednesday, 26 January 2022

It is winter in Greece and Turkey


Image courtesy of (AP/EmrahGurel).

Joel Kontinen

Greece and Turkey have experienced their winter that is expected in the North of Europe.

It is cold in Athens and Istanbul, It has dropped more than 80 centimetres or 31 inches of snow in some areas. A homeless man in Thessaloniki had died and authorities recovered the body a 34-year-old who is believed to have died in heavy snowfall while trying to reach his village in Amasya province, 326 kilometres (202 miles) northwest of Ankara.

Temperatures dropped way below freezing in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia. In Bosnia, ice formed on the Miljacka River after a minus 15 C (5 F)temperature was recorded in the capital of Sarajevo on Tuesday.


Associated Press. 2022, Winter storm heads towards Israel after paralyzing Turkey and Greece World Israel News 25 January.