Sunday 18 April 2021

Scientist Found 100,000 Year-Old Neanderthal Footprints

Image courtesy of Mayoral et al./Scientific Reports) 

 Joel Kontinen 

 The study of neanderthal children was published by Eduardo Mayoral, a paleontologist at the University of Huelva and lead author of the study, online March 11 in the journal Scientific Reports. 

In 2020, two biologists discovered the tracks on Matalascañas beach, in Doñana National Park after a period of intense storms and high tides

 Of particular interest are the two smallest footprints, approximately 14 centimetres, or6 inches long that are thought to have been made by a child about 6 years old. 

Neanderthals were the ape men of the late 18th century and early 19th century, but scientists have re-invented the category, According to creationists, the Neanderthals were the post.flood descendants oF Noah, 

In the model based on Genesis, Neanderthals are descendants of Noah.

They mostly lived in caves during the harsh ice age winters after the global flood, but they obviously also knew how to sail.


 Metcalfe, Tom. 2021,100,000-year-old Neanderthal footprints show children playing in the sand
Live Science  11April.